183 days in.

Well folks, here we are at the 6-month mark living in the good ‘ole camper. So I am quick checking in. In a short sentence, my life still fucking rules. And, I still can’t believe we did this and I get to live this life.

Justin and I have spent the last 2 months boondocking. Glad you asked. Boondocking is where you don’t have a water or septic hookup (it also includes not having electricity, but we do have that- so I guess it’s not 100% boondocking, but still). Anyhow, you haul in your own water and haul out your black and gray water. I should say in this instance, Justin does the hauling. I just provide the moral support. And anti-bacterial wipes, soap and water. Don’t let that fool you that I don’t do other things he doesn’t like to do though. I am the resident picker-upper of All Things (his things), the cook and clean-up crew and so on. Ok. I am 25% of the clean up crew. The dogs make fantastic pre-wash assistants before I do dishes. I digress, back to boondocking. What a concept. I have to say, in the last 2 months, I have probably used the equivalent of 1 week’s worth of water when I lived in a home. Why is that? Well, I have to make sure not to use up water unnecessarily. Or we will run out. And, I really like challenging myself to use only what I need. That means shorter (MUCH SHORTER) showers. Shaving my legs without the shower running. Bathing in the lake when it’s warm. I already only wash my hair once a week, so that part has been pretty seamless. Washing all of the dishes and then rinsing them all at once. Using lake water to water the garden. Waiting to do laundry, doing it once a week, and usually only 1 load. When it rains, we grab the sponge and wipe down the camper and truck- and if you don’t think that is an absolute blast… So what then, is life like in other aspects? What are the downfalls? What is the best part? I wanted to take my 6-month check in to fill you in on some of those very things. Since I am 99% optimistic, we will start with the things that make me only wish we had done this sooner. So in no particular order, here we go!

A Day In The Life of Nikki In The Land of Awesome goes something like this…

My alarm goes off every morning at 7. Justin is typically already up and in the kitchen drinking coffee. And if he isn’t, the snuggle puddle commences. Flanked by pups, we are cozy in our king-sized bed (true king, not camper king), with our 2-inch gel topper on the mattress. It is literally heaven. The sun pours into the windows, we have the camper turned so that happens each morning. If Justin is already up, snuggle puddle time still commences, it just happens to only be me and the Bears. So, I guess you could say the snuggle puddle commences every morning regardless. At some point, Mika, who knows she needs her meds (and to her, more importantly, her foodies) starts “yelling” at me to get up. So I do. I make the bed, brush my teeth and grab coffee. We feed the pups, take them out, and outside is where I stay with them for a bit. Drinking my coffee and watching the sun creep up higher into the sky. It’s quiet. Except for the birds and frogs. The butterflies and hummingbirds flittering all over. The air is fresh and clean. Sound like a dream? I know. Except it’s my day-to-day very real and very amazing life. I might grab another cup of coffee when I head in to “get ready” for work. To know me, is to know I love my makeup. So, though I am in the middle of nowhere, I still get a little fancy- even if no one but Justin sees me. My work attire is probably similar to many of you in this work from home lifestyle… tank top, flip flops and stretchy waistband pants. I tried on shorts that had a zipper and button the other day (really just to see if they finally fit me- spoiler alert, I have lost a bunch of weight, more on that in a bit, but they fit!) I wondered why people did this to themselves, wearing leg-prison-waist-cinchers every day by choice. I have surmised that those who enjoy wearing jeans when not mandated are serial killers walking, very uncomfortably I might add, among us.

Anyhow, I log into work. But not inside- unless it is raining, or I feel like working inside, and if so, I have a nice office to do so. Otherwise, I set up my $10 laptop tray and camp chair, and off I go. When I have Zoom training sessions, Spike, my hummingbird buddy, can be found dancing behind me. I think he just likes to watch himself on the screen. Sometimes I have the sounds of nature playing for me, and sometimes it is the Dirty Heads station on Pandora. Or Bob Marley. Or CCR. The pups snoozing by my feet, I work. And in between working, I pause to take it all in. Moments of joy and reflection have become a pretty big part of my daily life. During my lunch breaks, I can be found taking a little dip in the lake. Or wandering around in the woods for a little bit to recharge. Or, on not-so-hot days, taking a little jog (and yes, because I know you are curious, my makeup stays perfectly in place).

Finishing out my work day, Justin and I load up the pups and off we go on a hike, and try to explore and find new places everyday. Weekdays, if it isn’t too hot, we get in around 7-8 miles a night, and on weekend days- 10-15. We are crazy about our hikes. No I am serious. No normal people do those kinds of things. I have burned through so many pairs of shoes, it is crazy! When we get back, Justin gets the dogs taken care of, and I, I get to channel my inner chef.

Ah. Cooking when you live in a camper. Seems like it might be a pain, right? Au contraire (I still can’t say that without thinking of The Simpsons, but whatever). Camper cooking has been among the most fun and rewarding things I have done. Sometimes I cook inside, but as of late, I LOVE cooking outside. We have both a wet bar and outdoor kitchen, which makes it easier, but I have a nice folding table I use, and all of the materials I could need. I cook so much in the air fryer, it’s easily been one of the best purchases I have ever made. Making stuffed mushrooms and jalapeno poppers is one of my staples, and absolute favorites. Feeling fancy? I cook a mean steak, and pureed cauliflower (I call them faux-tatos because they taste both amazing, and like real mashed potatoes). Depending on where we are, I try to incorporate local food in my cooking. So, when we were in South Carolina, there was a LOT of seafood. Think seared scallops in bacon, with asparagus. Or, seafood stew in the crock pot, with oyster crackers, because I had to keep the theme. I have also been doing a ketogenic diet. I have serious stomach issues, and many carbs that I loved were a huge trigger, so the keto way of eating has helped tremendously. As a fun side effect, I have lost a ton of weight. And, in this case, since it is a way of life for me now, I am not yo-yo dieting. Nor are Justin and I going out to eat 3-4 times a week. Hence, the pants fitting. Anyhow, we either eat inside- or, my favorite, in the screenhouse outside. At this point, the dogs do their due diligence and clean the plates and cookware, I finish up and- here is the hard part. We decide if we campfire or if we relax inside. Bonfires typically win. Who doesn’t want a nice glass of wine with a crackling fire? The next tough decision is again, music or the sounds of nature. Or a little bit of both.

Justin and I were never TV junkies (we would typically sit down to enjoy a show or 2 around 8 every night when we lived in a home, and never had the TV going during weekends) but now it is even fewer and further in between. Today is Wednesday, and I don’t think we have turned it on yet this week. At some point, we tuck ourselves in, only to get up and do it again.

Weekends aren’t much different from weekdays, except we have a little more time to putz around outside. Do we head out to tent camp (yes we still absolutely love tent camping)? Pack the kayaks and head out on the river? Take the boat out for the day? Hop on the bikes and knock out 30 miles? One thing is for sure, the Bears get a nice long hike to tucker them out first and foremost. On days when it rains, which is few and far between, we put the awning out and sit, enjoying the rain (and, if I am lucky, thunder and lightning). And Sundays we reserve for fun, but also for laundry, taking in garbage and recycling (fun fact- our garbage can in Minnesota was the largest size they make… now? It’s typically one single, small 10 gallon bag), and getting groceries. Unless it is going to rain during the week, in which case we will do everything then. And, just so you are aware, every Sunday is a Funday, no matter what.

And so, that is my life. Lather, rinse, repeat- just in different places in the U.S. whenever we feel like it is time to spread our wings and check out a new place. Well that sounds awfully pleasant, right? So, what then, is there not to like? Not a whole heck of a lot. But, if I had to come up with a list, these are some nuances that can be annoying. That said, they are certainly not annoying enough for us to throw in the towel.

When I wake up in the morning- yes, it is bliss. Until I have to get out of bed. My side faces the closet. And the closet serves a dual purpose. Clothes storage. And. Full length mirror. Yes folks, when I “roll” out of bed in the morning, that is exactly what I get to see. Motivational? Yes. Slightly terrifying some mornings? Also yes.

I don’t like sleeping with the windows shut. I love the breeze that flows in. Except when there isn’t one. Since the bedroom is on the upper part of the camper, and it is a really small room, and there are 2 humans and 3 big dogs, 2 of which share your bed- it can get hot. And fast. I have awoken more than one night to absolute sweat my face off heat. And then I have to shut all of the windows and turn on the air. And since I was sweating, I am now freezing… what a cycle. But I believe in that little breeze so damn much, I just have to.

When I get up and get dressed, I wear the same 5 outfits. I brought some fancy dress up dresses that I haven’t touched in 7 months. Justin and I used to have a once-weekly Date Night, where we would get all dolled up and head out to dinner. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my fancy heels and wine nights, where I put on my heels and drink wine in the reclining chair- I just have a freshly washed face and my jam jams on. But I miss getting all dolled up and being on his arm for the night.

I do sometimes miss long showers, so this one is a double-edged sword. I appreciate the fact that I am using less water, but sometimes long for more than 3 minutes. The pride I feel does outweigh that feeling most times, but still, if you are wanting my honesty, there it is.

As much as I love, love cooking- I also hate. Hate when dishes pile up in the sink. It’s a small double sink, so I do dishes often throughout the day. I do miss having a dishwasher do it all for me, and the cookware I use (skillet/waffle maker etc.) are a little too big for the sink, so it makes it a little annoying. Again, not a deal breaker- especially since Justin handles the poop water while I do dishes, so I am not going to complain.

Depending on where we are, doing our in-town run to do laundry, garbage/recycling and grocery runs can take a chunk of the day. Especially when we are new to a place and don’t know where everything is. And we have to pack the dogs up to go with us, so it can be time consuming. Doing laundry in a laundromat is also an experience. Some take quarters, some take dollar coins, some you need an app to use your credit card, some you can swipe… and then the people who frequent them can be- characters to say the least. Unless we are at a campground, and then it is mostly fellow campers. But we are still washing our clothes in everyone else’s clothes washer. So there is that.

Speaking of fellow campers, there is next to no one our age. Which is completely fine, I have befriended so many people- and as long as they are good people, it doesn’t matter how old or where they are from. But, it would be nice to hang out with people in our age bracket, and not with kids our age. And, age unrelated, some are particularly political (which is mostly dependent on where we are staying). Let’s say I have some SERIOUS issues with our current, ahem. Administration, and “president.” And sometimes I have an internal dialogue about being nice or engaging in, engaging in debate. The former tends to win, but I still don’t like it.

Finding the next place to stay can also be challenging. We need a place where we can have the dogs, and for Mika, my epilepsy girl, a place we can get to quick for when she has seizures that don’t stop. Or, really emergency care for all of them if needed. There is also the rigmarole of finding a vet, and getting her meds (because even though there are a million Walmart pharmacies around the U.S., none of them talk to one another- or, get this, have the same Rx numbers?!?!?) and then when we find a vet, I have to explain her whole situation. I do have it down pat though. We also need a place that is cool enough to be able to hike daily, but warm enough that the camper can stay warm (there is literally no insulation in those guys). When you live in a different place every couple of months, it can be hard to find something that meets your expectations, and is available, and affordable.

But, that is it. And I think about the pains my “old” life used to bring, and these pale in comparison. Of course there are things I miss about living a stable life too- but I wouldn’t give up this life for anything. And though we are “only” 7 months in (1 month was quarantine in a home while we waited the virus stuff and shutdowns out), we have so many more to go. And that means so many more adventures. I look on the last 6 months and everything we have done and seen and learned, and I know that we were meant for this life.

Now, if you will excuse me, it is “about that time” to lace up for a hike. And then whip up a bomb-ass meal. Tonight is air fryer chicken breast, stuffed with red bell peppers, mozzarella, tomato and bacon, with a side of Parmesan butter and garlic asparagus. A nice glass (or 3) of Pinot. And, I just did my nails, so likely a fancy heel night. Just, dishes be damned.

Cheers, and live the shit out of this one life you have, friends- even when you have to do laundry. And dishes.


#MeyersGoMobile #ArtOfWandering #ExpeditionHappiness #HappyCampers #6MonthMark #StillLoveIt

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